Solution of trigonometric equation
Solution of trigonometric equation COURSE DESCRIPTION Solution of general trigonometric equations All examples, exercises and MCQ’s Conceptual overview of all the above topics...
Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Inverse Trigonometric Functions COURSE DESCRIPTION The inverse sine function The inverse cosine function Inverse tangent function Inverse cotangent, secant and cosecant functions Domains...
Application of Trigonometry
Application of Trigonometry COURSE DESCRIPTION Tables of trigonometric ratios Solution of right-angled triangles Heights and distances Engineering and Heights and Distances Oblique triangles...
Trigonometric Functions and their Graphs
Trigonometric Functions and their Graphs COURSE DESCRIPTION Domains and ranges of Sine and Cosine functions Domains and ranges of Tangent and Cotangent functions...
Trigonometric Identities
Trigonometric Identities COURSE DESCRIPTION Distance formula Fundamental law of trigonometry Deductions from fundamental law Trigonometric ratios of allied angles Further application of basic identities...
Fundamentals of Trigonometry
Fundamentals of Trigonometry COURSE DESCRIPTION Units of measures of angles Sexagesimal system Conversion from DMS to a decimal form and vice versa Circular...
Mathematical induction and Binomial Theorem
Mathematical induction and Binomial Theorem COURSE DESCRIPTION Principle of mathematical induction Principle of extended mathematical induction Binomial theorem The middle term in the...
Permutation, Combination and Probability
Permutation, Combination and Probability COURSE DESCRIPTION Permutation Permutations of things not all different Circular permutation Combinations Complementary combination Probability Probability that an event...
Sequences and Series
Sequences and Series COURSE DESCRIPTION Types of sequences Arithmetic Progression Arithmetic means n Arithmetic means between two given numbers Series Words problems on...
Partial Fractions COURSE DESCRIPTION Rational fraction Proper rational fraction Improper rational fraction Resolution of a rational fraction into partial fractions All examples, exercises...
Quadratic equations
Quadratic equations COURSE DESCRIPTION Solution of quadratic equations Solutions of equations reducible to the quadratic equation Three cube roots of unity Properties of...
Matrices and Determinants
Matrices and Determinants COURSE DESCRIPTION Addition of matrices Scalar multiplication Subtraction of matrices Multiplication of two matrices Determinant of 2 by 2 matrix...